Assorted ordinances Ordinance 592 Transportation CIP Ordinance 609 PGE Franchise Agreement Ordinance 614 Recology Franchise Ordinance 615 Water Rights 2012 Ordinance 616 Amending the Comp Plan Ordinance 617 Amend Comp Plan Ordinance 620 Sprint Franchise Extension Ordinance 620 Sprints notice of acceptance Ordinance 622 News Media that Can Attend Executive Sessions Ordinance 623 Urban Growth Boundary Ordinance 629 UGB Expansion Adopted Ordinance 630 CIP Water Master Plan Adopted Ordinance 633 Zone Change for UGB Ordinance 637 Meadowbrook Annexation Ordinance 638 Amending Comp Plan for Meadowbrook Subdivision Ordinance 644 Amending LMC to Comply With Homelessness Statutes Ordinance 646 Amending the LMC Chapter 8 Building Code Ordinance 647 Repealing Building Code Operating Plan Ordinance 648 Amending Lafayette Municipal Code Section 7.960-7.990 Relating to Marijuana Retail Sales Regulations and Taxes