How is my utility bill calculated?
Your utility bill from the City of Lafayette covers water and sewer services. The basic rate for water service is $54.03 per month and the basic rate for sewer service is $42.00 per month. These rates are based on a minimum of 0-300 cubic feet of water used per month. Therefore, a minimum bill would be $96.03 per month. Sewer rates for new customers are based on the number of people living at the residence. For established customers, sewer charges are based on the average amount of water you used during winter months of December, January and February. The City recommends that residents conserve during winter months to keep sewer rates down. Your water rates are always based on your actual usage. The meters are read each month on or around the 20th. You are more than welcome to read the meter yourself to verify the reading. The usage is rounded down to the nearest 100 cubic feet. Current water and sewer rates can be found The usage is rounded down to the nearest 100 cubic feet. Current water and sewer rates can be found here.